Hair fall is one for the most common disorder which is affecting a lot of individuals now a day. It is common and usual at old age but men and women of age group 30-60 years are suffering from hair loss which not only affects their looks and personality and also degrades their confidence. Patient undergoing cancer treatment suffers from hair loss due to the side effect of the radiation (chemotherapy). Baldness is the incapability of the body to produce new hair and remove it with old hairs. There are many known and common reasons for hair fall (baldness) such as thyroid disease, anemia, protein deficiency, secondary syphilis. Hair fall is hard to be recognized as a serious disorder at the initial stages as individuals with healthy hairs and scalp even lose some of their hair on a daily basis. It can at any age but generally, men and women start facing hair loss with decreasing thickness of hair after the age of 30 years.
Dermatrix offers a complete and effective hair treatment solution to you at the most genuine price. We are committed to providing the best and most accurate
Hair Loss Treatment in Thane. We study the scalp of the patient and recommend them the most suitable hair treatment plan. There are many ways to treat hair loss such as hair transplant, hair therapies etc. Our experienced experts and doctors dedicate themselves to finding satisfactory result oriented treatment to ensure the complete satisfaction of our patients. We committed to providing our customers with the best, most accurate and effective hair loss solution and are pledged to restore their confidence.
Contact us the get the most worthwhile hair loss solutions in Thane that will easily fit in your budget.